Hellooo Friends, in this post (5) I’m going to talk about art. Well, I think art is very important to the world in all senses, because it makes us reflect about our reality, it makes US enjoy different experiences, art is the most real expresion oh the human being, is the chance that we have to be kids again. Art is feel things without limits. Every person has a different way to create, no one is equal to another, also the processes of the artists are different, that’s the reason because I think we can’t feel jealous about other artistic abilities of a person, because nobody can imitate art, art is inside the every person. There are different ways to do art, for example one of them is graffiti/music hip hop/rap dance. I think that every form of expression is art, I like so much the music with dance, the letters and the society, also this kind of art is very close to people and enrich with poetic, and I really enjoy dances. Now, for finish, I want to tell you who my favorite artis...