Hello everybody, I hope you are doing well.

In this time I will travel to two places, to the past and to the future.

I would like to go to the past, when I was 9 years old, to meet again with the most important person of my life, my grandmother. I would like to remember the times when she was going to drop me off at school or when she let me repeat the plate of food, to remember her voice, her scent, and touch her hair, also to tell her thanks to her love I’m still smiling and I see the life like a happy place, and I have found beautiful people and I would tell her that I fulfilling my dream, and I appreciate every hug and laught we share, I thank her for teaching me to draw plants and animals, because those things remind me of her. 

ALSO! i would also like to go to the future, to know that all the breakups are overcomeable and everything it’s going to be okay. Also to see my sister studying her dream career, to see my parents working less and resting more, and see my grandfather living in his house on the countryside. I would like to know if my cat Mino is still with us or if his days with us are over, and if that’s the case, be prepared. I would travel to those places just to visit them, not for staying. Because in this moment i’m starting to know myself, to be happy, to enjoy the present and really appreciate the people around me.

And you? where would you travel?, thanks you so much for reading!!!💓💓💓💥


  1. Its very emocional how you refer to your grandmother. One of my dreams is also to be with my grandfather again.


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