POST 5: Changes to My Study Programme


Hello everyone, I hope you are well.
Today I will talk to you about the study program of my career and I´m going to tell you about a few things that I would like to change about it.
I´m currently studying Visual Arts at Faculty of Arts on the Juan Gomez Millas Campus and in general, I think the classes are the right ones to learn the basics of art traditions and the experimental side of each discipline. Although I think that something important for art, and especially Chilean art, is performance. So, I would like that in the third year of the career we could have a performance course with a specialized artist, in addition, in the second year I would like to have a work montage course, since as exhibit the works is how people interpret them, this being the most important part. Also, something that I have seen in other universities and in our university, we don't have are internships in museums and with artists in the last year of career, in fact, I hope that with my classmates we will fight for the opportunity to incorporate this to our program.

The academic load seems good to me, in addition to the fact that the professors are understanding with the personal problems that students may have had, also we have academic flexibility for the people who have problem or must work, so I think that side is good. And approximately we have 3 or 4 evaluations for each semester, so I think it is fine, and I also think that the 4 years of studies are fine, but I would include a fifth year for the practice in museums.

On the other hand, the faculty has a workshop full of tools to build large structures and sculptures of all materials, there is a room with macs computers and 3D printers for the most technological people, it is very cool and valued at the university. However, there are things that could be improved, such as the roofs, because when it is winter, the university gets rained and they have to suspend classes, also the amount of toilet paper and soap that we need, because during the week we are allowed 5 large rolls of comfort for the two bathrooms we have and it is not enough for the entire faculty, we are left without comfort for Friday.

The teachers in the career are all artists, that allows them to talk about the topics we need, however in the first year of the study program it is difficult to understand the academic terms they speak in class, so it is necessary that teachers changes how they do it and put it in another way for the students that don´t know yet all art terms, but in general they are very great teachers, with their speeches and poetic techniques they invite us to continue creating our art. 👀💥

Thank you for reading! 💗💗


  1. It is very important to make sense of the order and how they are presented, because as you say, this greatly influences the interpretation and flow of the work.

  2. We should have better resources, because we are equally important in the Universidad de Chile :(

  3. We need more toilet paper, PLS. QwQ But yes, is really important that our teachers are artists too, just that wey we can speak the same lenguaje and they can understand our artistic problemas too.


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